Giving Cans a Second Chance | Upcycling


Aluminum, when recycled properly, can be recycled indefinitely without any loss in quality. Sadly, even if you follow the recycling rules, a lot of recycling still ends up in the landfill either due to contamination or bad local waste management. Once it is in the landfill, it can take anywhere from 80-200 years to break down. 

We try our best to REDUCE the amount of cans we get and buy from bulk bins when we can, but with COVID, it is not always possible. So, when we do end up with cans, we try our best to REUSE and give them a second life before cleaning them out and hoping they do get RECYCLED. If you are crafty, there are so many cool ideas that come up online! Right now, we keep it simple and just use a can opener to take off the top and make planters or art supply holders. We plan on trying out some new ideas in the future and will keep you updated.

Any creative ideas of things to make with a can?




The Sad Truth about the Orphan Bananas